Friday, 21 November 2014

Application and limits P1

                                              Application and limits

Procedural Programming- Procedural programming will allow you to do step by programming, by this I mean you can organize your coding so that you know which one will go first,Procedural programming will also have programming languages that will mean that there will be pre-built code, that will allow you to make the coding of your code easier as there is coding that has been. Procedural programming will be using things such as variables and these may include things such as char,Boolean,String,double and integer amongst many others.These variables will make things your making the program about a certain style example if your creating a true or false program you would use the Boolean variable or if you were creating a program that you want to present numbers you may use integer or double.In procedural programming you will store the memory in separate memory locations, whereas in object orientated programming where the data would be stored all in the same place as the functions.An advantage of this programming style is that it is relatively simplistic and that you can also re use coding, without any errors occurring.A disadvantage of the programming style is that it is more importance is given to the operations rather than the data.

Event Driven- Event driven programming will allow you to create programs that allows the program to respond to many different inputs and events that could be about anything such as creating a calculator that will have many different inputs and many different events occurring.This will mean that the applications you make will be very interactive.A key feature of event driven is service oriented.This means that it will allow the users to stop and start the programs which will mean that they would be able to edit that when you start up the system, that you can set up the program as you as you turn on the system and an example of a program like this could is Bluetooth.Another great feature of this could be things such as keyboard events;An example of this could be when you use certain keys to use short cuts. Example of this is things such as ctrl+t would allow you to add tabs on a webpage quicker than just clicking the button on the webpage.The advantage of using event driven programming is that it will allow your application to be more interactive for the users and the disadvantages of using event driven programming is that you will need to use a lot of processing power for the event loops.

Object Oriented- Object oriented is a programming language that organizes the language around objects rather than actions or data and this is what makes it different event driven programming.The developing languages such as Java and C++ .The program will act as one object trying to interact with each other and they do this by sending messages to each other.another concept of OOP is that they use classes and that they use a collection of objects of the similar type and in the class many objects can be stored in a class. Encapsulation is also used in OOP because the data cannot be accessible to the public. OOP is good to use if you are going to test a system and test how the objects are going to work and how it will run.This will make more of an accurate prediction if it will work.They have different features such as classification which will allow them to define what they want each object to do and it also has a modularity feature which will allow you to make the data independent which will allow things to be separate and you would have to change the whole application by changing one thing. The advantage of OOP is that the coding can easily be re used in many different programs and this will save you a lot of time when creating programs.The disadvantage of OOP is that the programs are large and this will slow down the speed.

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